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Relays and fuses
The majority of consumers of electricity vehicle is protected by fuses. The individual components of the lighting system, except for the brake light, protected by electronic relays.
When the flow is too high current interruption produces electronic circuit components protected. After a short time, the electrical circuit is automatically closed again when the problem reoccurs, the electrical circuit is interrupted again.
Use fuses with the required nominal value of the current strength.
Blown fuses do not repair or bridge a bridge.
Determine the cause burnout.
Relays are placed two fuse boxes in the trunk, as well as in the engine compartment.
| 1. Remove the fuse box cover and remove the faulty relay with special forceps, for example, HAZET 4770-1. 2. Check that the relay and, if necessary, replace it with a new, refer to the appropriate section. 3. Set the relay to the board and close the fuse box cover. Fuses are located in three blocks, which are located on the side instrument panel, trunk and engine compartment. |
Fuse 1
Fuse box 1 is located by the driver's side at the instrument panel.
| | 1. Depending on the cover (1) is removed from the instrument panel with a screwdriver or a ledge. |
2. Tilt the cover to the left and disconnect it from the top of the holder.  | Cover sits in the upper bracket is very durable, so it may be necessary to retrieve the plastic wedge, for example, HAZET 1965-20. |
3. Tilt the lid on the left, remove the guide rails at the top and bottom of the hole and remove the cover from the instrument panel. 4. When installing, insert the guide bars into the holes, close the lid and lock it in the holders. |
Fuse 2 Fuse box 2 is located in the boot behind the side trim.
| | Sedan 1: Remove the cover (1) of the lining. Remove the cover (2) of the fuse box. |
| 2. Versatile: Remove the cover (1) in the wall and drop it. (2) - the fuse box. |
Fuse 3 Fuse 3 is located on the left side in the engine compartment under the hood.
| 1. Open the hood. 2. Remove the cover on the fuse box. To do this, turn on the ¼ turn screws and remove the plastic cover from the guide rail. | 3. Release the clips (1), pull the cover (2) of the fuse box and remove forward. |
4. When installing push the cover in the rear tire, and set on the fuse box. Making sure the correct position of the lid. 5. Lock the cover clips. 6. Put the cover on the fuse box. When the cover must be included in the side guide rail. 7. Attach the cover screws by turning ¼ turn plastic screws. |