1. Open the hood. 2. Disconnect the negative (-) cable of the battery when the ignition is off. You must first remove the air filter box of the passenger compartment. 3. Remove the screw from the nozzle to fill the tank washer. 4. Lift and set the front of the vehicle on the stand.  | Operation lifting and car installation on supports is connected with danger! Therefore, prior to the operation to check out the Poddomkrachivanie and towing Introduction to management. |
5. Remove the front locker, forward and up, refer to Section Removal and installation of a forward wing locker. | 6. Remove the water hoses and the plug (1) of the electric pump (2).  | Electric motors mounted at the rear of the tank washer (3). |
7. Remove the connector of the water level control switch (6). 8. Disconnect and remove the pump motor from the holder on the washer reservoir. | 9. Remove the screw fastening and remove the water filling pipe (4) from the tank (3). (5) - O-ring. |
10. Remove the 3 bolts (arrows on an illustration) and remove the tank from the engine compartment. |