| Attention! The air conditioning system is under high pressure. Do not attempt to loosen any connections or removing parts of the system without first discharging the system. The refrigerant must be removed from the system in a specialized workshop (type of refrigerant used is given in the specification). Even after the discharge of the system when performing any operations with the system use goggles. |
1. In order for the air conditioning system to function properly, you should regularly conduct the following operations:
a) Check the condition of the drive belt. Upon detection of excessive wear or damage to the belt must be replaced (refer to Section Checking ribbed serpentine belt accessory drive). b) Check the condition of the pipes of the system. Inspect them in search of cracks, blisters and seals. Inspect couplings are also looking for any signs of leaks. If you notice signs of wear, damage or leaks, replace the damaged pipeline. c) Inspect the surface of the heat exchanger located in front of the radiator cooling system. If contamination is detected edges, insects, etc. Clean the surface of the heat exchanger a special brush or compressed air.  | Attention! When using compressed air, wear eye protection. |
d) Check that the evaporator drain tube is not clogged. When the air conditioner is switched from the tube should ooze pure water. To check the purity of the evaporator tube sheet under the paper and turn on the air conditioner. After a certain period of time on the sheet should appear traces of water. 2. Turn on air conditioner at least once a month (even in winter). If the air conditioner is not used for a long time, this may lead to seal failure. 3. Due to the complexity of the system diagnosis and repair should be performed by a workshop. 4. The most probable cause of reducing the efficiency of the system is the lack of refrigerant. If you have noticed a sharp decline in the efficiency of the system, check the amount of refrigerant in the system as follows. 5. Warm up the engine to operating temperature. 6. The switch to select the lowest supply air temperature. Turn biggest fan speed. Open the door (to the system is not switched off after reaching the desired temperature in the cabin). 7. When the compressor clutch it should produce an audible click, and the central portion of the sleeve - rotate. Feel the inlet and outlet pipe of the compressor. One of them should be cold, and the other - hot. If you do not feel the difference, the system is faulty. This may be caused by lack of coolant, and anything else. To solve the problem, contact the service station. |