1. If you feel the smell of gasoline during movement or after the vehicle has stood in the sun, you should immediately check the condition of the entire fuel system. 2. Remove the fuel tank cap and check it for damage and corrosion. The gasket on the cover must be intact. In case of damage or corrosion, replace the cover. 3. Inspect the intake and return lines of the fuel system for cracks. Make sure that the connection lines between the fuel system and the fuel injection system, and the lines between the fuel system and built-in fuel filter is not weakened.  | On vehicles equipped with fuel injection before to serve fuel hoses, it is necessary to relieve pressure in the system. Refer to Chapter power supply system and release. |
4. Since some fuel system components - for example, some of the fuel tank and the fuel line system - at the bottom of the car, they are easier to inspect, when the car is raised winch. If this is not possible, Poddomkratte car and establish it on support. 5. buoyant automobile inspect the fuel tank and the filler neck for the presence of holes, cracks and other damage. Pay special attention to the state of the connection between the tank and the filler neck. Sometimes fuel leaks occur owing to easing of collars of fastening rubber mouth or because of material damage to the neck. Examine all arms and tapes of fastening of a fuel tank to make sure it is securely fortified by car.  | Never, under any circumstances, attempt to repair the tank (excluding the replacement of its rubber components). Flame welding machine, or any other open fire can easily cause an explosion of petrol vapors in the tank. |
6. Carefully inspect all fuel hoses and metal lines from the tank for loose connections, twists, signs of wear material hoses and other damages. If necessary, repair or replace the damaged section. |