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Removal and installation of evaporator K / V and housing
 | Observe all necessary precautions associated with servicing the systems K / B (see. Section General information and safety measures)! Removal and installation of the evaporator shell must be carried by two people! |
The evaporator shell Details of installation of the evaporator shell of K / (1 of 3) Details of the installation of the evaporator housing system K / V (2 of 3) Details of the installation of the evaporator housing system K / V (3 of 3) | | |
| - Open the hood.
- Opening the lid, relieve the pressure in the cooling system, and then drain the coolant (see chap. Current care and maintenance).
- Remove the receiver-dryer assembly (see. Section Removal and installation of receiver-dryer).
- Give a nut (1) fixing the expansion valve.
- Remove the pressure line assembly to the mounting plate (2), - immediately plug the open ends of lines in order to avoid falling into the working path of water, cook the replacement O-rings.
- Remove feed from their necks (4) and return (5) heater hoses, - Prepare the appropriate plugs.
- Slide all the way back both front seats.
- Remove the instrument panel (see chap. Body).
- Remove the gas pedal.
- Remove the floor carpet in the driver's footswitch well.
- Remove the left sleeve of the air supply in the rear.
- Disconnect the connector (6) electrical evaporator temperature sensor (B10 / 6).
- Remove the ignition control module (see chap. Power supply system and exhaust).
- Disconnect the connectors (7 and 8).
- Having hooked a suitable tool, remove the drainage hose (9).
- Remove the support brackets mount to the front casing of the evaporator A floor panel and the bulkhead.
- Remove the cover of the evaporator (10).
- Installation is in the reverse order. The new O-rings prior to installation should be lubricated with compressor oil.
- Finally, clean the processor memory on-board self-diagnostic system and synchronize stepper motors drive actuators with reader STAR DIAGNOSIS (ask for help from experts HUNDRED Mercedes-Benz).
Evaporator Installation Details evaporator K / (1 of 3) Installation Details evaporator K / (2 of 3) Installation Details evaporator K / (3 of 3) | | |
| - Remove the expansion valve (10) (see. Section Removal and installation of the expansion valve).
- Disconnect the wiring from the sensor humidity (B31 / 2) and the electric motor drive mode switching valve air circulation (M2 / 5). Release and move aside harness.
- 5 Remove the clips (4).
- Remove the casing of the evaporator fan cowl heater (5).
- Remove the screws (13 and 1) (TORX), remove the fasteners 10 (6) and lower the evaporator (7) complete with a lid (8), by submitting it forward and down.
- Gently pull toward the electric motor (M2 / 7) drive right mixing valve with an actuator, remove the clips (6a).
- Remove the cover (8).
- Remove the evaporator (7) of the housing.
- Wipe the pan diffuser housing (12).
- Installation is in the reverse order - for the lubrication of the sealing elements (14 and 15) of the expansion valve and evaporator shell, use soapy water (do not use any oil and lubricants!). Apply a little grease on the rails (16). Track correctness of landing of the sealing elements and guide.
- Finally, synchronize the drive motors using STAR DIAGNOSIS reader and clean the system memory on-board self-test (see chap. Systems of an electric motor).