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Terms memorize DTC (R0335)
ECU memorizes the code and immediately R0336 includes warning light engine management system if the crankshaft position sensor does not show skipping the two ring gear teeth exactly in the same position for two revolutions of the crankshaft. This check is performed within 5 seconds at engine speeds above 2000 min -1. Remembering this code points to a violation of the definition of the crankshaft position sensor signals for the ECU.
Check Disconnect the electrical connector of the crankshaft position sensor engine. Check the resistance between terminals 1 and 2. Nominal value: 0,486-0,594 ohms at 20 ?� C. When non-compliance of the resistance within the values shown to replace the sensor. The nominal value of the gap sensor mounting position of the engine crankshaft, mm: 0.5-1.5. Tightening torque of the crankshaft position sensor Engine: 9-11 Nm.