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The heating system of the fuel filter
To the outside temperature fuel continues to flow, it is heated. This is achieved enhanced fuel supply, which again through the pump is discharged into the fuel tank. This fuel, when passing through the pump is heated. The return oil conduit is a control valve which, depending on the temperature of the filter removes the warmed fuel. At temperatures below 0 ?� C from the fuel pump to the fuel filter is given a warmer fuel.
If the temperature of the fuel in the fuel filter is raised to 10 ?� C, the control valve switches to, and balances the return fuel line served directly to the fuel tank. Control valve is at the top of the fuel filter.
If the engine is at too low a temperature and as a result of thickening of fuel does not start, sometimes follows:
- Remove the fuel filter and heat it in a water bath to liquefy the fuel; - Remove the fuel filter, and replace the new one; - Racking or tow the car to the garage and there to warm up; - Spray injection system with hot water. A warning In no case does not heat the injection system or tank with a blowtorch, and similar devices. Risk of explosion!
Check the heating system and the glow plug Check voltage on the glow plugs
Turbocharged diesel engine (ABL) has a system of self-regulating glow with candles glow quick start. Display starts automatically after landing in the car and closing the door of the driver on condition that the coolant temperature is below 60 ?� C. A warning Faulty heating system is the cause of a bad cold start especially when outside temperatures below 10 ?� C.
Check supply voltage
Test conditions: the engine is cold (temperature of the surrounding area), the battery is charged (over 11.5).
PERFORMANCE ORDER | 1. Connect a voltage indicator cables to the glow plugs and to the chassis (-). | 2. Turn the ignition switch to the "Vorgluhen" - heating (ignition on). | 3. If the filament voltage is missing, check the fuse glow plug damage (minor cracks) is mounted and the contact. | 4. If necessary, clean the contacts, tighten the screws and replace the fuse. The fuse is located in the engine compartment: - 4-cylinder engine - on the front wall of the brake booster; - 5-cylinder engine - on the left wing in the engine compartment. | 5. Open the plastic cover with a screwdriver to fuse. Amperage fuse 4-cylinder engine - 50 A; 5-cylinder engine - 80 A. |
Check current consumption Check the amount of current in the glow plugs To check the current consumption on each candle glow, plants use an ammeter with a clip for DC. The clamp grips insulated cable is measured by induction and the current value.
PERFORMANCE ORDER | 1. Connect the clip, if any, to the cable marching to the glow plugs. | 2. Turn on the ignition, the engine warm up, run and allow to idle. | 3. During the heating to measure the power consumption with the engine running. Time heating filament is approximately 120 seconds (engine 1X, AAV) or 180 seconds (engine ABL). Current consumption of each glow plug is about 10 A (motor 1X, AAV), or about 8 A (motor ABL).
Engine 1X: - The measured current consumption is about 40 A - glow plugs in good condition; - 30 A - 1 faulty spark; - 20 A - 2 candles are faulty; - 10 A - 3 faulty spark; - 0 A - all candles are faulty.
Engine ABL: - The measured current consumption is about 32 A - glow plugs in good condition; - 24 A - 1 faulty spark; - 16 A - 2 candles are faulty; - 8 A - 3 faulty spark; - 0 A - all candles are faulty.
Engine AAB: - The measured current consumption is about 50 A - glow plugs in good condition; - At 40 A - 1 faulty spark; - 30 A - 2 candles are faulty; - 20 A - 3 faulty spark; - 10 A - 4 candles are faulty; - 0 A - all candles are faulty. | A warning The current values are given only when the battery voltage above 11.5 V.
| Determination of faulty spark Check the operation of the glow plug | The arrow indicates the candle glow. |
PERFORMANCE ORDER | 1. Unscrew the cable supplying current and elektroshinu. | 2. Connect the LED to the positive () battery and apply consistently to each candle glow. | 3. If the LED is blinking, candle glow OK. | 4. If the LED does not blink, replace the candle glow. | 5. Secure the cable to elektroshine. | A warning If the problem is not found, and the engine still runs poorly, proceed as follows:
- Remove all nozzles; - Remove the thermal insulation; - Switch on the ignition and "Vorgluhen"; - heating; - Observed through the hole nozzles which of candles to anneal, and which are not.
If the candle glow and allows the current, it is not talking about her impeccable work. Even conductive glow plugs may be defective.
Glow plugs with charred rods GLOW
Most often burned candles glow rods are the result of faulty injectors, instead of candles glow.
Burnt rod glow plugs | If the troubleshooting will be found like a candle, it is not enough just to replace it. It is necessary to check the nozzles on injection pressure and tightness (at the factory). |
Types of candles glow | Turbocharged diesel engine (ABL) is equipped with a new quick start glow plugs (2). They differ conical end of the shaft (arrow). They can also be used in other diesel engines. But in turn the conventional glow plugs (1) turbocharged diesel engine can not be used. |
Withdrawal PERFORMANCE ORDER | 1. Fold the radiator. | 2. Loosen the wiring on the glow plugs. | 3. Unscrew glow plugs. Before removing the fifth cylinder glow plugs, remove the nozzle Injection pipelines and the fifth cylinder. |
The size of the gap between the core filament and a threaded portion | 1. Standard size of the lumen of the ring (0.5 mm) 2. Reduce the size of the lumen |
Setting PERFORMANCE ORDER | 1. Screw the glow plugs and tighten to 30 Nm. | A warning Do not exceed the tightening torque! Otherwise lumen ring between the pin and the thread portion of the filament is reduced. The size of the lumen of the ring (see. Fig. Size of the gap between the heating rod and a threaded portion) is typically 0.5 mm. The reduced size of the lumen leading to premature failure of the glow plugs.
| 2. Secure the wiring. If removed, install the nozzle and the injection line 5 cylinder. |