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Care and exterior equipment Body
The body is made in the form of the supporting structure. Bottom, sides, roof and rear wings are welded together.
The hood, trunk lid, doors and front wings are fixed to the bolt and can be replaced. When inserting the body should be kept uniform gap through their pairing as otherwise there is a knock on the door or in the process of movement occurs increased wind resistance. The gap should have the same value on the perimeter of the adjoining body parts. Deviations gap width of 1 mm.
 | If the part of the body work is also necessary to carry out any work on the electrical system, you must always disconnect the negative cable (-) battery. To do this, consult the Section Replacement of the battery. As the electrical work should be considered, even off the electrical wires of any output. |
 | Many of the cover and liner are mounted using clips. Damaged or lost clamps must be replaced. Removal and installation of expander and locking clips, refer to the appropriate section. |
Safety considerations bodywork
If it is necessary to produce welding body, this must be done with the use of spot welding. Only in the case where there is no space for a welding gun, can be used in welding shielding gases.
?� At the time of welding, or any other work associated with the formation of sparks, the battery should be completely disconnected (disconnect the positive and negative cables and isolate the battery poles with adhesive tape).
 | If the radio has a code, the latter is erased when the battery is disconnected. Radio can be enabled only after entering the correct code, the manufacturer or HUNDRED MERCEDES radio receiver. So before removing the battery need to know the radio code. |
 | In the production of bodywork as a result of, for example, there are strong hammer blows shake the car. Therefore you must be sure to turn off the ignition. Otherwise, it may trigger the airbag. Read the safety precautions when handling the bag, refer to Section safety instructions for airbag. |
Models with air conditioning: Do not make welding and soldering or brazing solid elements conditioner refrigerant charge. This also relates to the production of welding and soldering components car if it can lead to heating elements of the air conditioner.
security measures
?� Do not opening the cooling circuit air conditioning, as refrigerant, getting on the skin, it can cause frostbite. ?� In case of accidental contact with the refrigerant to the skin is necessary to wash the affected area with cold water for at least 15 minutes. The refrigerant evaporates when the outside temperature. The refrigerant is colorless and odorless and heavier than air. Since the presence of the refrigerant is not felt, in the area of the bottom of the car and in the pit there is a danger of suffocation.
Drying paint: When painting works during repair drying ovens should not be carried out at a temperature above 70 ?� C. Otherwise, it may be damaged electronic devices of the vehicle. Furthermore, while in the air conditioner may increase the pressure, which will lead to the destruction of the system.
Removal of PVC sheeting of the bottom of the car: To protect against corrosion on the underbody and wheel arches polyvinylchloride protective coating is applied. The coating must be removed rotating wire brush or hair dryer at a temperature of not more than + 180 ?� C, followed by removal of a spatula.
 | As a result of the combustion or heat PVC above + 180 ?� C formed acid corrosion. Moreover, the image harmful vapors. |
When repairing body should apply spot welding. Only if it is impossible to bring the welding electrodes, the welding should be applied in an environment of inert gases. Since some body parts are galvanized, you should take the following precautions: When carrying out welding work or any other work associated with the formation of sparks, be sure to disconnect the battery (the positive and negative cables) and carefully insulate the two terminals (-) and (+). When working near the battery, it must be removed.  | Attention! When removing the battery erases the data from the electronic memories, in particular, the radio code. Without radio code can be included only the manufacturer or HUNDRED Mercedes-Benz. |
 | Notes: When welding galvanized sheets produced poisonous zinc oxide. Therefore it is necessary to follow the good ventilation of the workplace. |
Increase welding current 10, a maximum of 30%.
Use electrodes of solid copper with high heat resistance (up to + 400 ?� C).
Most electrodes are clean and treat them to a diameter of the contact surface 4 mm.
Increase the pressure to the electrode.
Increase the welding time. The timing is right, if the welding points are placed without splashing.
Details of the air conditioner, filled with refrigerant, it is impossible to weld and solder both soft and hard solder. This also applies to the situation where there is a danger of heating elements of the air conditioner when welding or brazing in other structures.
Do not open the cooling circuit of the air conditioner, because Refrigerant in contact with the skin can cause frostbite.
When applying the paint in an oven is not allowed car heating to a temperature above 80 ?� C. Otherwise, it may be damaged electronic devices of the vehicle. Furthermore, in the air conditioner is increased pressure which may cause damage to the system.
The protective coating of PVC underbody removed rotating steel brush or hot air temperatures up to + 180 ?� C with a spatula. Due to the heating of PVC coating to a temperature above 180 ?� C, a chemical reaction and producing hydrochloric acid, the active corrosion promoting further formed harmful vapors.