1. Available in many types of body shpakl?�vok, however, it should be noted that for this type of work is best attached with a set of body panels for repair bonding agents paste is placed in a tube of hardener. In order to achieve the smoothness and accuracy of the contour plastered surfaces, paste should be applied flexible plastic or nylon applicator. Strictly following the manufacturers instructions (violation of them can result in improper bonding agents congealed mass), mix a small amount of filler on a clean wooden or cardboard surface (carefully use a hardener). 2. Apply putty on the applicator appropriately prepared (refer to the materials provided above) the surface of the damaged area of the body panels. To achieve the desired surface contour and the level of filler each stroke applicator must pass through the entire repair area. Once the circuit plastered surfaces will be close to the original, immediately cease to apply putty, as one begins to solidify Podlipaev to the applicator, forming lumps and leaving the bully on the treated surface. Continue paste layers applied at intervals of about 20 minutes to as long as the plastered surface level will not protrude slightly above the surrounding metal panel. 3. After curing putties, its excess can be removed with a file. Then begins the stage of sanding and polishing plastered surface. It is best suited for this purpose, waterproof sandpaper imported (because it complied with uniform grain abrasive and its good adhesion to the substrate). You start with a coarse-grained paper number 180 and, in a progressive lowering granularity, you can finish at ?�� 600. In order to achieve adequate surface flatness of the paper should be treated pre-wrap around the bar made of thick rubber (wood or foam) or stick to it. During the processing of the paper should be regularly and frequently moistened with water. This technology allows to achieve an absolute smoothness and flatness of the surface being treated at the final stage. 4. At this stage, treated the damaged surface must be surrounded by a ring of pure naked metal ending gradually tapering off the edge of a good paint. Rinse the treated area with clean water to wash it all formed during polishing abrasive. 5. From the aerosol spray the treated surface with a thin layer of light-primer. This will reveal all committed in the course of grinding defects that can be eliminated by coating them with a layer of fresh putty. Repeat step sanding and polishing. Repeat punctuate luting, processing and priming the surface to obtain a satisfactory result. Upon completion, rinse the treated surface with water and dry it. 6. Now the surface is ready for painting. Staining car spray should be carried out at the motionless, dry, warm, and dust-free air. The most fully meet these requirements and conditions of the closed volume of heated space. If circumstances force to carry out a body painting outdoors, you should seriously consider the choice of suitable weather conditions. When working indoors nail dust, sprinkling the floor with water. If you made a painting of a separate panel of the car body, cover its surrounding undamaged panel. This precaution will minimize the effect of small differences in the colors of the old and fresh paint. Such elements like chrome decorative trim strips, door handles, etc., should also cover (and better - rent). For the protection of non stained surfaces, use masking tape and old newspapers, which should be applied in several layers. 7. Before starting to use the aerosol spray, shake thoroughly, then spray the paint surface of the trial, practicing the technique staining. Cover prepared for painting the surface with a thick layer of primer. The thickness is achieved by applying multiple thin layers of primer. Sparing no water, waterproof sandpaper ?��600 treat primed surface, achieving its absolute smoothness. Before proceeding to the final staining let the primer dry completely. 8. Apply a layer of decorative paint, again achieving thickness due to its multiple application. Staining start from the center of the repair area, making hand spray with circular movements, expanding their range in a spiral until until it is all covered the damaged area, plus a ring of surrounding good about five centimeters wide. After 10 - 15 minutes (preferably not later, so as not to damage the edge begins to freeze fresh paint) after the last coat of paint unstick covering the surrounding body panels newspaper and sticky tape. The paint is completely polymerized for about two weeks, after which, to smooth the transition of fresh paint, treat recovered surface is very fine grinding paste. Finally, apply a coat of wax on the panel. |