1. Models with towbar: Remove the nuts from the adjusting fingers. | 2. Remove the clip expander 2 (1) and one nut (2) from the locker wing. |
3. Press the locker wing to the side and remove the screw (3) between the bumper and the wing. | 4. Remove the four screws on the bottom of the cross. |
5. Remove the bolt (arrow in the illustration) of the muffler. 6. Disconnect the connector of parking assistant, if any. 7. Open the back cover. Remove the cover at the bottom of the trunk. Remove the cover over the extra compartment for the spare wheel. 8. Remove the cover on the right and the left wall, lower them and remove. | 9. The pocket on the left: Remove the screw (1). 3 Remove the screws (2) and pull out the tool box. |
| 10. The pocket on the right: Remove the 2 screws (1) and pull out the tray (2). |
| 11. Left: 1 Remove the bolt (1) and 4 nuts (2, 3, 4) from the rear bumper. (5) - rear light (6), - the fuse box.  | To loosen the nuts (3) and (4) requires a 16-head face. |
12. The right side: Remove the bolt and also the 4 nuts. 13. With the help of an assistant, remove the back of the guide and the bumper crossmember and remove them. 14. Remove the 4 screws of the cross member and disconnect the bumper and cross member. |