1. Open the tailgate. 2. Remove the trim tailgate, refer to the appropriate section. | 3. Remove the wire cable (3). Disconnect all connectors (1) and unplug all cables (2) on the tailgate and pull them through the cabling (3). As the arrows indicate the 2 screws. The illustration shows the tailgate Touring model. |
4. Disconnect the water hose from the connecting member or the washer and remove the jet through cabling. 5. Sport Coupe: With separate plastic wedge facing the rear of the roof and pull it back a little. Carefully insert the wooden bar height of 65 mm between the roof and cladding.  | Before removing the gas pressure required to stop, ask an assistant to hold the tailgate. Otherwise, the door may fall, as one focusing it does not hold. |
| 6. Disconnect the gas-filled focus on the ball joint on the tailgate and remove it. To do this, lift the little emphasis screwdriver (arrow in the illustration). The second stop is removed similarly. |
7. Versatile: Remove the two bolts on each loop of the left and right (the arrow in the illustration). 8 sports coupe: Remove the 2 screws on the hinge between the roof and cladding. 9. With the help of an assistant, remove the back door and put it on the pad. |