1. Open the tailgate. | 2. Remove the clip from the holes on the cover of the tailgate. |
3. Use a plastic wedge, for example, HAZET 1965-20 in the middle of the gap (arrow in the illustration) between the side and the bottom facing the frame and remove the elements of the lining of joints clamps.
 | Elements in this place liner glued together. |
4. Partially detach the lower trim of the frame (2) of the lining of the tailgate (3), strongly pulling on it, and using a plastic wedge. 5. Pull the plastic hook of the clamp holders on the tailgate trim. To do this, enter a screwdriver into the gap between the door lining and lining frame. Remove the plastic hook hammer on a screwdriver.  | The plastic hook can thus break. |
| 6. Grasp liner between the tailgate and the door and pull a strong jerk succession 6 clips (arrows on an illustration). If necessary, use a plastic wedge. |
7. Remove the trim (1) with the side facing the frame (2).  | The lower portion of the side facing the side should be taken out of the rear window facing the movement away from the window. |
| 8. Remove the side trim (1) on the rear window with a plastic wedge holders 5 of the clamp (2). (3) - the top facing the rear window. |
| 9. Remove the three plastic strip (3) from compounds (3) and separate the side facing the rear window (4) of the upper cladding of the window (1). |
10. Remove the upper trim of the rear window (1) a strong jerk of 6 clamps holders (arrows in the illustration) and remove it. |